Posts tagged mind&body
How To Develop Good Habits And Make Them Stick

At a first glance leading a healthy lifestyle might seem intimidating. But it’s not that complicated after all. All one needs to do is develop good habits – everything else takes care of itself.

It doesn’t require ‘all or nothing’ attitude. As with many things in life, just getting started in one area creates a domino effect and the rest starts to follow.

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Why does tiredness can make you gain weight?

Do you ever find yourself reaching out for more snacks when you tired or had poor sleep? According to the science, a bad night's sleep can cause us to eat more therefore more likely to gain weight. Let’s have look into the reasons why we eat more when tired, including the need for more energy, comfort eating, how to avoid overeating and potentially gaining extra weight when feeling tired.

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Mind & Body in Balance

To be able to achieve long lasting progress, happiness and success in anything you do – finding the right balance is a must.

When we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn't just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously.

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How physical exercise improves your brain work

Research shows different activities have quite specific mental effects – here’s how moving your body could sharpen your ideas. The brain is often described as being “like a muscle”. It’s a comparison that props up the brain training industry and keeps school children hunched over desks. We judge literacy and numeracy exercises as more beneficial for your brain than running, playing and learning on the move.

When it comes to your brain, an oblique approach can be surprisingly effective. In particular, working your body’s muscles can actually benefit your grey matter.

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Pamper your body with exercise!

Workout should not be a chore.  Exercising makes you feel terrific and look even better.  Your skin glows, your clothes fit better, you feel happier, relaxed and more confident, your sleep is more restful and satisfying at night.

So why do we sometimes fear it?

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Mindfulness For You!

Often the biggest barrier to our health and fitness goals is our own state of mind. Fear, frustration, a desire to wait to begin exercising until we lose some weight, have more time, less busy time at work, more energy... there are many reasons, when it comes to working out and getting results it is very easy not to make it happen. 

Sometimes all you need is a reminder to be mindful and to  take care of yourself!

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Mindset Strategies for Weight Loss

It's not exactly a secret that diet and exercise are key when it comes to weight loss, but don't overlook the hidden powers of your mind! Here are some mindset strategies to help you reach your weight-loss goals.

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10 Reasons How Your Life Improves With Ballet

Many think that ballet is a beautiful fairy tail and reserved only for the little girls or for the physically gifted ones. However, if you look a little deeper you will realise that ballet is an amazing technique, exercise of it’s highest forms, offering the biggest potential for your body as well as for your mind development. The overall wellbeing.

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How To Pick a Good Trainer or Coach

One of the biggest part of coaching or training clients, is overcoming limiting behavioural patterns and self identifying language patterns, these are the the fundamentals of what keeps a person overweight or functioning at a faction of their potential.

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Frequency Motivation

In any aspect of maintaining the mind and body, frequency is a subject few people talk about, yet it is the most important aspect of everything we do. Frequency is the vibrational band we operate within, and it’s something we all have to work on to heighten the level of awareness we have — as well as the resonance we project.

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