Posts tagged mind training
How creativity and movement reduces your brain age

Scientific research between identical twins found that the twin exposed to creative tasks beyond their comfort zone with people they didn’t know, increased their cognitive function over a month, effectively winding back the brains age by six to ten years. Quicker thinking, less stress, more energy and happier mindset.

If you go into a repetitive work /home routine, your cognitive function declines, so much so that NASSA studies show as much as 90% in terms of creative and innovative thought by the age of 30 years. On top of this the toxic stress created by modern life destroys the synapses-so people suffer brain damage over the long- term without knowing it.

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The connection between ballet fitness and quantum psychology

The quantum world is a very odd place, that defies what we think is possible, so learning about quantum pschology, health and fitness, are probably the biggest breakthroughs in human potential in generations.

While everyone is talking about AI human intelligence on a quantum level is also accelerating, and if you want to live a healthier more energised life – read on and be amazed.

The first thing to get your head around is that thought influences the cells of your body and the energetic field that surrounds all living things. For those who can read auroras then they will know the colour changes in line with the feelings/energy alterations. Quantum is the basis of faith healing.

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The Best Stress Relief

For most of us stress is a regular part of the day. Some statistics suggest that up to 77 percent of us feel the physical effects of stress on a regular basis in the form of headaches, insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, muscle aches and pains, crankiness, and difficulty focusing. Learning how to deal with it in a healthy way can actually help get rid of some of the worst symptoms.

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Mindfulness For You!

Often the biggest barrier to our health and fitness goals is our own state of mind. Fear, frustration, a desire to wait to begin exercising until we lose some weight, have more time, less busy time at work, more energy... there are many reasons, when it comes to working out and getting results it is very easy not to make it happen. 

Sometimes all you need is a reminder to be mindful and to  take care of yourself!

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The Confidence Gold Rush

Confidence is the gold rush of the 21st century, and in the ballet world —it sets one average dancer apart from a super star. People love confidence, in fact they fall in love with confidence in any and every aspect of life. 
This doesn’t mean the kind of false confidence that comes from an over-blown ego, or even the illusory superiority many people show to defend a lack of self-confidence at the core.

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