Mindset Strategies for Weight Loss

It's not exactly a secret that diet and exercise are key when it comes to weight loss, but don't overlook the hidden powers of your mind! Here are some mindset strategies to help you reach your weight-loss goals.


1. Never Get Discourage!

Firstly be patient with yourself! Say it's week one of your weight-loss plan and you're off to a great start. You're eating healthy meals, you've cut out desserts, and you're working out daily. The end of the week comes, and the scale shows small drop. Same story the following week.

Don’t listen to that little voice telling you it’s hopeless. One of the best things you can do for long-term weight loss is to be satisfied with your pace and not let it throw you off your game. If you're sticking to a smart diet and exercise plan, you will succeed. 

2. Look For Support

Tell your family, friends, and coworkers about your weight-loss goals and ask for their support. Then check in on Facebook each time you go to Ballet Body Sculpture class or schedule your online class at home. Let your support system know each time you hit a goal, post the picture of your exercise and achievements on social media and tag #balletbodysculpturegoals. It'll make you feel accountable to someone aside from yourself. The studies found that being accountable to someone else and receiving support is a great motivator when trying to lose or maintain weight. Remember, that we always here help and give the best support to achieve your goals. Our goal & results are ours too!

3.Stop Worshiping the Scale

Although it's a symbol of dieting, the scale can be your worst enemy if you give it too much power. Daily fluctuations are common and often have little to do with actual weight loss. Weighing in every single morning can be a real mind game, affecting your attitude and food choices for the entire day.

Instead, weigh yourself once a week. Do it the same time of day each time and in similar clothes (or no clothes at all!). And remember, the numbers on the scale don't tell the whole story. It's entirely possible that your body is getting stronger and building the muscles and are considerably heavier that fat tissues. Instead, take some body measurements and monitor it every week. Pay attention to how your clothes fit, your overall appearance, and, of course, how you feel.  

4. Use Your Writing Skills

Last but definitely not least, it's important to check in with yourself on a regular basis. Write down everything you're planning to eat and everything you do eat. Be honest, and write down everything. This will keep you accountable to yourself, and reviewing your lists will help you identify any recurring problem foods.

5. Reward Yourself

It's all about positive reinforcement! Every time you meet one of those small goals, give yourself a little reward. But don't defeat the purpose by celebrating with half a pizza and a huge desert! Stick with non-food-based rewards. Treat yourself with the positive experiences! Say a day out, nice shopping, a spa day or dancing workshop!

Looking forward to seeing you at our classes & dance workshops!


Source: verywellfit.com