Ballet Body Sculpture Online Classes & Training


Series with Claire

Looking for a short guided program to start? Try the series with our teacher Claire Guntrip: 15 professionally structured classes, regularly updated to built strength, flexibility, tone the whole body and enjoy dancing ballet! Available to all levels from beginner to advanced.


Featured Videos:



Abs & Core Express with Claire

A short, elegant and very effective core strengthening class. Tighten and sculpt your waistline with these targeted ballet techniques. Set your day up with just a 10 minute morning workout to see great results in no time at all!


Ballet Sculpt & Legs Extensions with Claire

Sculpt your legs with ballet perfection, improve the extensions, legs lifts and find out high ballet develope secret! From mat warm up, to the barre ( you can use high back chair) and into the nice relaxing stretch to finish this effective class.


Ankles & Feet Workout with Claire

Strong & flexible ankles not only create esthetically beautiful lower legs and an elegant pose but also is a vital support for all ballet technique, any sport performance as well as an overall healthy body. Try our feet strengthening workout with Claire, specifically designed to improve your ankles.


Membership: $9.95.-/month

*After 30 days you will automatically be invited to join our full online library


More Classes:


Live Classes Online:

All live classes are two way interactive through your laptop, tablet or smartphone. You see one of the team live, your trainer sees you to motivate, correct, exercise and guide you to gain the best results! All you need is your device, a good WiFi connection and a small space to move. Classes are fun, very effective and enjoyable. No previous ballet experience is required.