Posts tagged positivity
Taking One Step at a Time Helps You Achieve Anything

Success is a goal we all strive for. But the thought of the enormous effort it requires can be overwhelming.

This often stops many from taking the plunge. And of those who do, some lose their way along the journey because the path looks daunting. To ensure that you do not hesitate to take the first step and go all the way, you need to cultivate the mindset of taking one step at a time. Let's take a look what happens taking this approach:

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Are we getting older or are we making ourselves older?

As soon as something starts to hurt or you start to feel discomfort when moving, the common phrase that comes to mind is “I’m getting older”. Our body is a unique and sophisticated instrument that controls an incredible number of processes and works intensively around the clock without interruption. Wouldn’t it be wise to make life easier for it instead of taking everything for granted or even abusing it in some cases? This is where self-love, mindfulness and general awareness come in. In simpler terms, how can we look and feel better, how do we contribute to our aging and how can we slow it down?

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Building Positive Habits To Stick

Easter is commonly regarded as a time for new beginnings, hope, opportunity and positivity. We all like to look forward to the days getting warmer, with more sunshine, raising up our energy levels and perhaps looking for new projects.

However it’s not always very easy to keep a strong focus and commitment to something, even though you may have very sincere intentions at the start. Often, just after a few attempts your interest and attention may gradually diminish – so how can we stick to new habits and build those desired results?

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Frequency Motivation

In any aspect of maintaining the mind and body, frequency is a subject few people talk about, yet it is the most important aspect of everything we do. Frequency is the vibrational band we operate within, and it’s something we all have to work on to heighten the level of awareness we have — as well as the resonance we project.

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The State of Your Nation

When you look at a person when you’re in the advanced mindset and body business, you can immediately see the limiting belief systems that they are themselves completely unaware of.

When you enter into a conversation with an individual, everything is revealed like a leaky bucket. In truth, people are completely unaware of what they project to the world, and often wonder why they get the poor results they do. 

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