Posts tagged consciousness
The connection between ballet fitness and quantum psychology

The quantum world is a very odd place, that defies what we think is possible, so learning about quantum pschology, health and fitness, are probably the biggest breakthroughs in human potential in generations.

While everyone is talking about AI human intelligence on a quantum level is also accelerating, and if you want to live a healthier more energised life – read on and be amazed.

The first thing to get your head around is that thought influences the cells of your body and the energetic field that surrounds all living things. For those who can read auroras then they will know the colour changes in line with the feelings/energy alterations. Quantum is the basis of faith healing.

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The Loss Of Femininity In Fitness

The problem with many women, is they think they are in competition with men, which means they end-up wearing the same cloths and working-out the same way.

There’s nothing wrong with this — if that is a woman wants to be less than she can be, and loose the advantage of her grace and femininity. For some women, this statement of strength fits the identity they desire to be - often because the polarity of their core energy is strongly male. However, as a general trend in the way women approach life, it tends to lead them in the wrong direction if they want to embrace all that they can be.

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The State of Your Nation

When you look at a person when you’re in the advanced mindset and body business, you can immediately see the limiting belief systems that they are themselves completely unaware of.

When you enter into a conversation with an individual, everything is revealed like a leaky bucket. In truth, people are completely unaware of what they project to the world, and often wonder why they get the poor results they do. 

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