Posts in Mindset
Taking One Step at a Time Helps You Achieve Anything

Success is a goal we all strive for. But the thought of the enormous effort it requires can be overwhelming.

This often stops many from taking the plunge. And of those who do, some lose their way along the journey because the path looks daunting. To ensure that you do not hesitate to take the first step and go all the way, you need to cultivate the mindset of taking one step at a time. Let's take a look what happens taking this approach:

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Are we getting older or are we making ourselves older?

As soon as something starts to hurt or you start to feel discomfort when moving, the common phrase that comes to mind is “I’m getting older”. Our body is a unique and sophisticated instrument that controls an incredible number of processes and works intensively around the clock without interruption. Wouldn’t it be wise to make life easier for it instead of taking everything for granted or even abusing it in some cases? This is where self-love, mindfulness and general awareness come in. In simpler terms, how can we look and feel better, how do we contribute to our aging and how can we slow it down?

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How To Develop Good Habits And Make Them Stick

At a first glance leading a healthy lifestyle might seem intimidating. But it’s not that complicated after all. All one needs to do is develop good habits – everything else takes care of itself.

It doesn’t require ‘all or nothing’ attitude. As with many things in life, just getting started in one area creates a domino effect and the rest starts to follow.

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Effective techniques to achieve your exercise goals

We all have expectations when it comes to exercising, achieving goals, learning dance steps, ballet technique or simply losing weight. To maintain what you’ve accomplished, become healthier, fitter, and leaner, stronger – is what drives us to do and take action on our goals. How can you make sure you are successful, whether at the ballet studio, exercising at home, gym, outside, traveling or at home? To begin the process, to make sure you are successful in achieving your best body shape – you must have some effective process in place.

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Building Positive Habits To Stick

Easter is commonly regarded as a time for new beginnings, hope, opportunity and positivity. We all like to look forward to the days getting warmer, with more sunshine, raising up our energy levels and perhaps looking for new projects.

However it’s not always very easy to keep a strong focus and commitment to something, even though you may have very sincere intentions at the start. Often, just after a few attempts your interest and attention may gradually diminish – so how can we stick to new habits and build those desired results?

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How to avoid boredom eating

In the current climate, where a fridge is just round the corner most of your day, mindless eating can become the downside. As they say: “we need to practice social distancing from the food!”

However, there are simple steps which you can take to reduce your chances of falling victim to boredom eating! Let’s discuss some handy tips to help avoid mindless eating.

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How creativity and movement reduces your brain age

Scientific research between identical twins found that the twin exposed to creative tasks beyond their comfort zone with people they didn’t know, increased their cognitive function over a month, effectively winding back the brains age by six to ten years. Quicker thinking, less stress, more energy and happier mindset.

If you go into a repetitive work /home routine, your cognitive function declines, so much so that NASSA studies show as much as 90% in terms of creative and innovative thought by the age of 30 years. On top of this the toxic stress created by modern life destroys the synapses-so people suffer brain damage over the long- term without knowing it.

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New Year’s Resolutions & Can You Get the Results from Exercising at Home?

The weather is quite freezing here and the natural instinct is to find every excuse to stay indoors. We opt for the cozy comfort of our homes and more often than not, become ever more sedentary in the process as our well set New Year’s Resolutions start to drift off… So how can we stop this? If you ask any fitness professional whether it's possible to get a good workout at home, chances are they'll respond by saying you can get a good workout anywhere. What stands in the way of you and a solid workout isn't where you do it—it's whether you do it.

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The connection between ballet fitness and quantum psychology

The quantum world is a very odd place, that defies what we think is possible, so learning about quantum pschology, health and fitness, are probably the biggest breakthroughs in human potential in generations.

While everyone is talking about AI human intelligence on a quantum level is also accelerating, and if you want to live a healthier more energised life – read on and be amazed.

The first thing to get your head around is that thought influences the cells of your body and the energetic field that surrounds all living things. For those who can read auroras then they will know the colour changes in line with the feelings/energy alterations. Quantum is the basis of faith healing.

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The Loss Of Femininity In Fitness

The problem with many women, is they think they are in competition with men, which means they end-up wearing the same cloths and working-out the same way.

There’s nothing wrong with this — if that is a woman wants to be less than she can be, and loose the advantage of her grace and femininity. For some women, this statement of strength fits the identity they desire to be - often because the polarity of their core energy is strongly male. However, as a general trend in the way women approach life, it tends to lead them in the wrong direction if they want to embrace all that they can be.

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Mind & Body in Balance

To be able to achieve long lasting progress, happiness and success in anything you do – finding the right balance is a must.

When we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn't just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously.

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Have you ever wanted more?

One of the most powerful aspects of Ballet Body Sculpture that our members benefit from — that NO other fitness program offers — ballet based or otherwise, is access to world class mental coaching; and when I say world class, I really mean the highest international standard.

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Pamper your body with exercise!

Workout should not be a chore.  Exercising makes you feel terrific and look even better.  Your skin glows, your clothes fit better, you feel happier, relaxed and more confident, your sleep is more restful and satisfying at night.

So why do we sometimes fear it?

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The Best Stress Relief

For most of us stress is a regular part of the day. Some statistics suggest that up to 77 percent of us feel the physical effects of stress on a regular basis in the form of headaches, insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, muscle aches and pains, crankiness, and difficulty focusing. Learning how to deal with it in a healthy way can actually help get rid of some of the worst symptoms.

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