Posts in anti-aging
Are we getting older or are we making ourselves older?

As soon as something starts to hurt or you start to feel discomfort when moving, the common phrase that comes to mind is “I’m getting older”. Our body is a unique and sophisticated instrument that controls an incredible number of processes and works intensively around the clock without interruption. Wouldn’t it be wise to make life easier for it instead of taking everything for granted or even abusing it in some cases? This is where self-love, mindfulness and general awareness come in. In simpler terms, how can we look and feel better, how do we contribute to our aging and how can we slow it down?

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5 Reasons Why Movement is the Best Therapy

When you are in pain, most people do not think about movement. Usually, the first thought that comes to mind is to reach out for the painkiller medicine or something more invasive. Often without realizing that many musculoskeletal aches & pains can be solved with directional movements, specific exercises and stretches.

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