Ballet Body Sculpture

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To Stretch or Not To Stretch

You might have heard plenty of good things about stretching exercises, but not everyone takes it seriously until they start to experience uncomfortable pains in the lower back, shoulders or even a persistent migraine.

So let’s have a look at some scientifically proven facts and what does stretching actually do for you body. Back pain is a common issue, but it’s not the only discomfort that people ten to experience in sitting, or in office type jobs.

A Better Sleep

What can become an even more annoying problem, is sleeping issues. Insomnia, troubled sleep, feeling exhausted right after waking up — if you start to experience any of those difficulties,  stretching could help you get a good night’s rest.

But why does stretching have this effect on sleep? It’s likely a mix of things. By getting in touch with your body, stretching helps to focus your attention on your breath and body, not the stresses of the day. 

This awareness of your body helps you develop mindfulness, which has been proven to promote better sleep. Stretching relieves muscle tension and prevents sleep-disrupting cramps. When there’s nothing to disturb you at night, the quality of your sleep is improved and you feel more refreshed in the morning.

Increased Energy Levels

Stretching also improves your blood circulation, which can therefor also help you to significantly increase your energy level and your productivity at work, particularly in those afternoon hours. A stretching routine can enhance the transportation of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the whole body.

Stress Relief

When you’re experiencing stress, there’s a good chance that your muscles are tense. This is called psychosomatics. Stretching calms your mind and returns a sense of well-being, it can work a lot better than any sedatives. This mental calm helps you to feel relaxed and work with a clear mind.

Lower Back Pain

The lower back pain has become a very common issue in our modern sedentary lifestyle. Stretching helps heal and prevent it by relieving muscle tensions is the area. It also reduces the risk for muscle strain.  Supple, well-stretched muscles are less prone to injury.

If you’re a repetitive sitter, who doesn’t have time to do a full workout every day try our online class – “Exercise By The Desk” . It will reduce the stiffness in your back and return mobility to shoulders, hips and posture muscles without being too time-consuming. After a month of exercising and stretching correctly your back pain will most likely be gone.

Improves Your Health

Some studies show that stretching exercises also help lower cholesterol and keep glucose levels low by preventing the hardening of arteries and increasing blood flow to all your internal organs. 

Balance & Coordination

Stretching also improves your body awareness by connecting your mind with your body. It allows you to feel and exercise your body in a smarter way, understating which areas can be improved and working on those muscles that are weaker or needed to be toned up.

Over time it improves your day to day coordination, balance as well as allows you to avoid any accidents or injuries and even makes you better at dancing!

See you at our : BBS Stretching & Body Conditioning Classes in London & in Zurich!

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