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Time to Reflect for the New Year

New Year’s eve, it is the perfect time to reflect on the past year. Overview all that has gone by – the highs and the lows, the hits and the misses, the gains and the losses, the challenges and the opportunities, the experiences earned, the lessons learnt, the mistakes made, the little joys shared, what worked for you and what didn’t. It’s a time to reminisce all these.

Here we have a few suggestions to help you wrap up the year on a happy note and prepare yourself for the year ahead with renewed enthusiasm and motivation.


What better way to begin than by reviewing your personal growth and development. It will give you insight into how you have evolved over the past year – the new skills you acquired, the knowledge you gained, new things you learnt, the good habits you picked up and the bad ones you got rid of. How you have shed your limiting beliefs and embraced who you truly are.

You may have fallen short on a few goals but you would certainly have lived up to many others. You may still have your limitations, shortcomings and weaknesses that drag you behind. There may be many areas you need to work on, but that’s okay. You have not achieved it all but it’s encouraging to know that you have adapted, changed, improved, bettered yourself and made positive changes that will help you move forward in life.


Helping others doesn’t come naturally in today’s self-centred world and it’s easier said than done. Take this chance to remind yourself of all your random acts of kindness and the compassion and generosity that you have shown to others. The knowledge that you shared, the time and efforts you spent to solve problems that near and dear ones faced. How you went out of the way and helped others, the pains you took to be there when friends and loved ones needed you and how you added value and brought meaning to the lives of those around you.

Fighting the Enemy Within:

Applaud yourself for mustering the courage to fight back your fears and self-doubt and moving past the mental barriers. There may be things that you have stumbled, you have your complexes and your vulnerabilities but that’s not a reason to be hard on yourself.

Credit yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone, stretching yourself to limits and achieving what others thought was impossible. Pat yourself on the back for overcoming the temptations, ignoring the distractions and keeping the focus on your goals.

Mistakes and Lessons:

No one is perfect and you are no exception. You’ve had your share of mistakes and goof-ups. You have erred, blundered, messed up some things, totally gone wrong with others but at least you have tried, which is most important. You chose to be honest about them, owned responsibility and learnt from those mistakes making yourself stronger, wiser and richer in experience.

Happy Ending:

You have been through a lot of struggle this past year but the best thing is – you didn’t quit. You navigated the twists and turns of your life’s journey with faith, courage and confidence. All the setbacks and the challenges have only made you stronger. Life may not have turned out as you planned, but you have done reasonably well for yourself and given yourself enough reasons to be happy and feel good about yourself.

Look Ahead:

Though the New Year signifies a new beginning, in no way does it ensure smooth sailing ahead. It will bring its own set of challenges. But rest assured, you are stronger and more capable of handling the tough times for you have faced your struggles and made it through, and not only survived but thrived and come this far.  Life may be challenging and tough, but deep inside, now you know you are ready and capable to handle it all.

So look ahead and prepare yourself for the year coming by. Begin a fresh chapter in your life with new hope and aspirations. Dream new dreams, give yourself goals that you would work towards this New Year. With all this done, you are off to a good start and have all the reasons to toast your glasses on the New Year’s Eve.

Happy New Year! Xx

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